Instructional Classes

Our Instructional Classes offer members the opportunity to reach their fitness goals through consistent participation and instructor training. You will learn from the same professional instructor each week and progress your skills throughout the semester.

Spring 2021 Instructional Classes

Class Name Price Days Time Location
Dance Technique $40 January 28 - April 11
(Mondays and Wednesdays)
8PM - 9PM Rowdy Studio (2nd Floor)

Dance Technique

This class will work on technical skills for a variety of dance styles through floor work and choreography. This class meets twice per week and will develop your skill set over the duration of the course. You can sign-up for this course at any time, but we suggest you attend all sessions for maximum benefit.

“Try Before You Buy”

Come to try our Instructional Class before you purchase! Come to the first class for FREE!


Additional Information

• You must have a current Campus Recreation membership to participate.

• Refunds for classes are unavailable after the class begins. Refunds concerning documented medical conditions will be handled on a case by case basis.

• An email will be sent to participants prior to class start date with additional class information.

• If you feel an instructor or other fitness staff does not provide a sufficient level of customer service, please contact Alessandra Sanchez, Program Coordinator at

• For more information, please contact Alessandra Sanchez, Program Coordinator at